Melayu Singapore Yang Makin melampau Hina Islam! (Pics)

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku lindungi lah kami daripada hamba-hamba MU yg telah menghina MU dan agama Mu...KAU jauhilah Kami sekeluarga dari mereka yg telah jauh terpesong...
KAU kuatlah iman kami YA ALLAH, matikan lah kami dalam agama MU YA ALLAH..(ISLAM)

Astagfirullahalazim.....Semoga Allah ampunkan dosa dan beri petunjuk pada

As though being gay is not enough, this chap decides to wage a war against
Islam simply because of Islam stance on Gays.
If you know this chap, please inform him that he is now very famous. Soon,
the authorities will come knocking on his door for defamation and inciting
the order of religious harmony in Singapore.

Please do not approach him in facebook or in any manner because that is what
he wants, an audience. Let the authorities settles this defamation and
inciting religious harmony in Singapore. Ameen to that !

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