Pesalah bakal menjalani hukuman mati menangis di bahu tukang gantung..

A.s KATa, sesal dulu pendapatan..sesal kemudian tiada guna..
Mungkinkah di Malaysia kita perlu juga jalankan hukuman mati di tempat awam agar menjadi iktibar kepada kita semua?

A photo from Iran is making waves worldwide, arousing debates on capital punishment, which in the Islamist Republic and many other countries is meted out not only to murderers.

Alireza Mafiha, an Iranian man convicted of a violent street robbery in Tehran, was waiting for the gallows on Sunday when he was photographed in an exceptionally human moment: Laying his head on his executioner's shoulder and weeping.

Minutes later he was publicly hanged in a square in central Tehran.Mafiha, 23, is no saint: His execution together with 20-year-old Mohamad Ali Sorouri followed their posting a video on Youtube in December in which they are both seen attacking a man with a machete in Tehran.

The two men were brought on Sunday to a Tehran square. Iranian police, their faces masked to hide their identity from the men's relatives, surrounded them and took them to the gallows.While Sorouri remained impassive, Mafiha was seen laying his head on a masked man's shoulder and bursting in tears.

The executioner rested his hand on Mafiha's back, while a group of women begged the policemen to spare the two's lives. Their pleas were unanswered: The men were lifted on a crane and hanged.

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