media tempatan xde pon nk temubual Tun M..apa salah Tun M stuju ditemu bual media asing..mcm tu juga rakyat terpaksa dgr media arus prdana yg dikawal kerajaan walaupon ada yg rakyat buat pilihan la lbih baik dgr berita dari media sosial..
Mahathir tu nak orang sokong dan tunjukkan dia betul je. Kalau dah medai barat tunjuk macam menyokong pendirian bangsat dia, semua okla baginya. Mahathir nikan manusia 'it's either my way or no way'. Betullah tag Mahafiraun tu... Jgn jadi tolol yea.
Xde prinsip dan ego?? Sbb ada prinsip dan xde ego la Dsn skrg x tido mlm..Rakyat dah benci umno dan Bn.Ckp melalut lalut.Mcm dah umur 90 thn.Yg gatal pi buat 1mdb sape suruh?Umno sokong konon.stakat Mt sokong adalah.Cuba suruh org umno buat undi kalau pahlawan bugis.Blh menang ke?
It does not dent Tun M a little bit with your filth and vulgarism attacking Tun M. You guys or bloke or (those without 'nuts' if you know what I meant) need to look no further. Bugis FB attracted spray and arrays of condemnation not because of Najib as a person, but because of his silly and stupid idea with this 1MDB bogey! The laundry list is too long to even put on paper on why the rakyats have had a final straw with this one international joker called Bugis! He brought fame to Malaysia for all the wrong reasons.
Compared to Tun M's blog, its not only well-mannered, but so full of well-wishers! Mind you these people are not paid, coerced, or cajoled into 'I Love Bugis' crap. It come naturally from the heart of the people who love Tun M dearly and we're all not even related!
Back to Najib's FB, the hatred is so obvious that people expressed it clearly from the heart of their bottom!
Then again bugis footlickers and bootlickers cannot see the reality of it and kept betting on the wrong horse! You can sink to the bottom of the abyss along with your beloved bugis for that matter.
It does not dent Tun M a little bit with your filth and vulgarism attacking Tun M. You guys or bloke or (those without 'nuts' if you know what I meant) need to look no further. Bugis FB attracted spray and arrays of condemnation not because of Najib as a person, but because of his silly and stupid idea with this 1MDB bogey! The laundry list is too long to even put on paper on why the rakyats have had a final straw with this one international joker called Bugis! He brought fame to Malaysia for all the wrong reasons.
Compared to Tun M's blog, its not only well-mannered, but so full of well-wishers! Mind you these people are not paid, coerced, or cajoled into 'I Love Bugis' crap. It come naturally from the heart of the people who love Tun M dearly and we're all not even related!
Back to Najib's FB, the hatred is so obvious that people expressed it clearly from the heart of their bottom!
Then again bugis footlickers and bootlickers cannot see the reality of it and kept betting on the wrong horse! You can sink to the bottom of the abyss along with your beloved bugis for that matter.
zaman najib zaman fitnah cyber... tu sebab najib paham dan brani menerima kritikan yang kebanyakan dibuat oleh mereka yg tidak paham issue yg berlaku dan hanye mengikut emosi yg telah dipengaruhi oleh setan iblis.... mahathir terselamat kerana zaman dia... aplikasi seperti whatapp belum ada... penyebar fitnah percuma hanya perlu laluan internet... jika whatapp ni ada... sah saban hari gelaran maha firaun.. maha zalim akan kedengaran ... manusia bodoh yg tidak tau mengapa 1mdb ditubuhkan menyoal entity tersebut sedangkan semua diterangkan dilaman web 1mdb.. cuba lawat dan pahami apa tujuan 1mdb ni ditubuhkan.. mengapa kapir dapig melontar persepsi negative terhadap 1mdb tersebut akan mudah dipahami... adakah kekayan negara lebih baik diagihkan dikalangan kroni dan hanya akan dicukai setelah keuntungan bersih dan cuma 30%... sedangkan 70 % keuntungan yg diperolehi melalui connection dgn mahathir yg mana mahathir sendiri mengakuinya.. polisi dia ialah mesra golongan kaya dan konon gomen akan dapat keuntungan dari polisi mengayakan kroni tersebut... tetapi ananda krisna keling yg dikayakan oleh mahathir buat pengakuan tiada sebab untuk dia membantu org melayu...pengakuan yg ananda sendiri buat.. contoh yg sedia ada ... IPP yg diagihkan dikalangan kroni mahathir yg mendapat untung dgn polisi memaksa tnb membeli kuasa yg dijana dari mereka... polisi yg diperkenalkan mahathir yg mana sekarang cuba dambil alih 1mdb...yg mana segala keuntungan itu dapat diagihkan seperti mana yg tersebut dlm polisi csr syarikat.. jika tak mampu memahami kebaikan yg cuba dilakukan melalui 1mdb ni... entah lah...
media tempatan xde pon nk temubual Tun M..apa salah Tun M stuju ditemu bual media asing..mcm tu juga rakyat terpaksa dgr media arus prdana yg dikawal kerajaan walaupon ada yg rakyat buat pilihan la lbih baik dgr berita dari media sosial..
Mahathir tu nak orang sokong dan tunjukkan dia betul je. Kalau dah medai barat tunjuk macam menyokong pendirian bangsat dia, semua okla baginya. Mahathir nikan manusia 'it's either my way or no way'. Betullah tag Mahafiraun tu... Jgn jadi tolol yea.
Mahahtir adalah PM Malaysia yg paling tak ada prinsip,yg ada hanya ego.
Xde prinsip dan ego?? Sbb ada prinsip dan xde ego la Dsn skrg x tido mlm..Rakyat dah benci umno dan Bn.Ckp melalut lalut.Mcm dah umur 90 thn.Yg gatal pi buat 1mdb sape suruh?Umno sokong konon.stakat Mt sokong adalah.Cuba suruh org umno buat undi kalau pahlawan bugis.Blh menang ke?
To bugis footlickers and bootlickers,
It does not dent Tun M a little bit with your filth and vulgarism attacking Tun M. You guys or bloke or (those without 'nuts' if you know what I meant) need to look no further. Bugis FB attracted spray and arrays of condemnation not because of Najib as a person, but because of his silly and stupid idea with this 1MDB bogey! The laundry list is too long to even put on paper on why the rakyats have had a final straw with this one international joker called Bugis! He brought fame to Malaysia for all the wrong reasons.
Compared to Tun M's blog, its not only well-mannered, but so full of well-wishers! Mind you these people are not paid, coerced, or cajoled into 'I Love Bugis' crap. It come naturally from the heart of the people who love Tun M dearly and we're all not even related!
Back to Najib's FB, the hatred is so obvious that people expressed it clearly from the heart of their bottom!
Then again bugis footlickers and bootlickers cannot see the reality of it and kept betting on the wrong horse! You can sink to the bottom of the abyss along with your beloved bugis for that matter.
To bugis footlickers and bootlickers,
It does not dent Tun M a little bit with your filth and vulgarism attacking Tun M. You guys or bloke or (those without 'nuts' if you know what I meant) need to look no further. Bugis FB attracted spray and arrays of condemnation not because of Najib as a person, but because of his silly and stupid idea with this 1MDB bogey! The laundry list is too long to even put on paper on why the rakyats have had a final straw with this one international joker called Bugis! He brought fame to Malaysia for all the wrong reasons.
Compared to Tun M's blog, its not only well-mannered, but so full of well-wishers! Mind you these people are not paid, coerced, or cajoled into 'I Love Bugis' crap. It come naturally from the heart of the people who love Tun M dearly and we're all not even related!
Back to Najib's FB, the hatred is so obvious that people expressed it clearly from the heart of their bottom!
Then again bugis footlickers and bootlickers cannot see the reality of it and kept betting on the wrong horse! You can sink to the bottom of the abyss along with your beloved bugis for that matter.
zaman najib zaman fitnah cyber... tu sebab najib paham dan brani menerima kritikan yang kebanyakan dibuat oleh mereka yg tidak paham issue yg berlaku dan hanye mengikut emosi yg telah dipengaruhi oleh setan iblis....
mahathir terselamat kerana zaman dia... aplikasi seperti whatapp belum ada... penyebar fitnah percuma hanya perlu laluan internet... jika whatapp ni ada... sah saban hari gelaran maha firaun.. maha zalim akan kedengaran ...
manusia bodoh yg tidak tau mengapa 1mdb ditubuhkan menyoal entity tersebut sedangkan semua diterangkan dilaman web 1mdb.. cuba lawat dan pahami apa tujuan 1mdb ni ditubuhkan.. mengapa kapir dapig melontar persepsi negative terhadap 1mdb tersebut akan mudah dipahami...
adakah kekayan negara lebih baik diagihkan dikalangan kroni dan hanya akan dicukai setelah keuntungan bersih dan cuma 30%... sedangkan 70 % keuntungan yg diperolehi melalui connection dgn mahathir yg mana mahathir sendiri mengakuinya.. polisi dia ialah mesra golongan kaya dan konon gomen akan dapat keuntungan dari polisi mengayakan kroni tersebut... tetapi ananda krisna keling yg dikayakan oleh mahathir buat pengakuan tiada sebab untuk dia membantu org melayu...pengakuan yg ananda sendiri buat.. contoh yg sedia ada ... IPP yg diagihkan dikalangan kroni mahathir yg mendapat untung dgn polisi memaksa tnb membeli kuasa yg dijana dari mereka... polisi yg diperkenalkan mahathir yg mana sekarang cuba dambil alih 1mdb...yg mana segala keuntungan itu dapat diagihkan seperti mana yg tersebut dlm polisi csr syarikat.. jika tak mampu memahami kebaikan yg cuba dilakukan melalui 1mdb ni... entah lah...
Apa beza dengan Pahlawan BUgis? Dulu kita lantang kritik Amerika sekarang bawah Ah Jib Gor dah jadi baru pro Amerika dan polisi dia.
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