Pesuruhjaya PAS Johor tak layak nak tentukan samada pakatan haram ingin tubuhkan Islam! Jangan sapa-sapa pemimpin PAS berani nak sebutkan lagi agenda penubuhan negara Islam. Jangan berani menjual isu menubuhkan negara Islam semasa PRK Tenang nanti. Pakatan tak suka!Kelak buruk padahnya kerana Kit Siang n Anwar serta balaci mereka akan membantah!

Jangan siapa-siapa pun berani nak bangkitkan isu hukum hudud samada potong tangan atau hukum rejam! Lim Kit Siang tak suka! ternyatalah bahawa Machai-macai PAS yang bahlol sahaja KONONNYA nak tegakkan negara Islam tetapi pemimpin atasan mereka ternyata hipokrit dan munafiq pabila akan menegur sesiapa pemimpin PAS yang berani bangkitkan Isu penubuhan negara Islam.

Ternyatalah, PAS memang haiwan tunggangan DAP. Oleh itu, tinggalkanlah PAS masuklah UMNO yang konsisten dan tak berpura-pura dalam menegakkan negara Islam. PAS wajib ditolak! Menyokong PAS bermakna menyokong lemahnya Islam dan Melayu di bumi Malaysia ini!

KUALA LUMPUR: Johor Pas commissioner Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed cannot decide for the party on the setting up of an Islamic state, said Pas secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali.
He said if it was true that Mahfodz had said that Pas would push for the Islamic state once the party and its allies took over the Federal Government, the issue should not have been raised.

"Only the Pas leadership council can decide on the matter," he told a press conference after the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting at the Pas headquarters yesterday.

Present were Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang.

Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang attended the meeting, but was not present at the press conference.

Mustafa was commenting on the article in the New Straits Times on Wednesday which said the setting up of an Islamic state and implementation of Islamic laws were the main selling points at a Pas function in Labis on Monday night.

Mahfodz was quoted as saying that Pas would also insist on the implementation of Islamic laws once in power and this included limb amputation for convicted thieves and stoning to death for adulterers.

Hadi had attended the event, which attracted about 200 people.

Mustafa said the party was aware of the NST report and was checking whether Mahfodz indeed made the statement.

Lim said the issue was also discussed with Hadi at yesterday's meeting and they agreed to stick to their common policy to work together.

On the Tenang by-election candidate, who will be announced on Jan 16, Anwar said Pakatan Rakyat had accepted Pas' candidate and was confident that the person would be able to carry forward their agenda.

The by-election will be held on Jan 30 following the death of assemblyman Datuk Sulaiman Taha.-nst


Anonymous said...

bn (umno) kata nk tegak Islam,tp keluarga mrk sendiri pun x ikut Islam sgt.Islam suruh org perempuan pakai tudung,tp isteri pm sndri x pakai tudung,x trmasuk puteri umno lg.surah nisa' ayat 59(kaji sndiri).dh tnya pemimpin Pas ke knp mrk buat mcm tu(kalau hal tu betul).

rumahkaca said...

Blog tuan hebat gua suka baca beb. Gua sudah link tuan punya blog. Gua bangga kalau dapat link tuan kerana duduk dalam link blog hebat. Tk


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